Doki Doki Literature Club

Meet the exciting free visual novel. It was developed by the Team Salvato studio in 2017, and it still finds more and more fans. The game quickly became popular due to its unusual plot and mystical atmosphere, which make it really unique.


You will play as a high school student who joins the literature club at his school and starts hanging out with four girls: Sayori, Yuri, Natsuki and Monika. First you must read their writings, help them with their personal problems, and make important choices in the course of the story.

But although the game starts out as a typical visual novel, it quickly turns into a frightening and mystical story, where inexplicable things happen and the characters find themselves in dangerous situations. It’s hard to describe all the details of the plot without spoilers, but “Doki Doki Literature Club!” prepared for users a lot of surprises. It has a rather unorthodox approach to the visual novel genre.

Character control

The controls in the game are very simple and intuitive. Which, of course, cannot be said about gaming tasks. In order to interact with the virtual world, you can use a mouse and keyboard, or a modern touchpad.

Basically, the game consists of reading text messages and making choices in various situations. To continue the dialogue, you need to press the left mouse button. If you want to skip the dialog, you can use the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.

During the game, there are also moments when you need to make a choice that will affect the course of the plot. The choice is made by pressing one of the two buttons on the screen that appear in response to a question or suggestion from the characters.

At some points, various keys on the keyboard may also be used, such as keys for saving and loading an address, or keys for scrolling text up and down.

All in all, management at the Doki Doki Literature Club! quite simple and does not require special skills or experience.

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